Are you struggling to find high-quality, royalty-free stock video for your videos? Storyblocks is a subscription service that offers access to over 1.5 million royalty-free digital goods that can be downloaded for personal and commercial use. Storyblocks now represents all of the company’s services: video, audio and image stock libraries. Storyblocks offers their members affordable monthly and annual plans.

What Is StoryBlocks?

StoryBlocks, a popular royalty-free video stock service and graphics marketplace launched a new stock photo, video and audio service called StoryBlocks. Their offer ranges from unlimited downloads to flexible licensing with an easy-to-use editor.

– Storyblocks has a large stock library of over 20000+ videos, Audio and Images.

– Storyblocks offers its members unlimited downloads and flexible licensing.

– Storyblocks is affordable with monthly and annual plans available for everyone.

– The only thing holding you back from creating high-quality, professional videos on YouTube or any other site is the lack.

Storyblocks library includes:

  • Stock Video Stock Footage After Effects Templates Motion Backgrounds
  • Stock Audio Royalty-Free Music Loops Sound Effects
  • Stock Images Photos Vectors Illustrations
StoryBlocks Review 2021 - How to buy it cheap
StoryBlocks Review 2021 – How to buy it cheap

Storyblocks Pros:

  • Storyblocks provides Unlimited downloads in there plans . Storyblocks offers flexible licenses and an easy-to-use editor. Storyblock is affordable with monthly, yearly plans available for all members to attend. There are over 2000+ videos in the library as well as variety of other media products that come included in their membership plan.
  • Storyblocks provides a subscription service that comes with unlimited downloads during the length of the monthly or annual plan.
  • Easy licensing coupled with unlimited usage, and standard and enterprise licenses are both royalty-free in perpetuity. Plus your monthly or annual fee covers all services – videos, images, music.
  • With over 1.5 million royalty-free contents to choose, Storyblocks is the most diverse stock video platform available today.
  • The Storyblocks library is ever-growing, as new stock audio and video are continuously added.
  • Storyblocks is committed to providing customer service that meets the needs of their members.

Storyblocks Cons:

  • Storyblocks does not offer an introductory free trial period.
  • It can be tricky to find the right subscription plan for you. Here’s a guide on choosing your best option.
Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $15.00.
Original price was: $239.00.Current price is: $1.00.
Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $5.00.
Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $1.00.
Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $8.00.
Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $11.99.
Original price was: $279.00.Current price is: $1.00.
Original price was: $279.00.Current price is: $2.00.
Original price was: $279.00.Current price is: $2.00.

StoryBlocks Pricing:

Unlimited video plan is $65/month or $360/year. Basic Video includes 5 downloads: $19/month or $99/year. Unlimited video price is at $50/month or $240/year. Basic Audio includes 3 downloads: This package costs between 9-27 dollars per month and 99-$420 annually depending on the subscription

Is StoryBlocks A Scam?

StoryBlocks is a long-standing company that offers many services and benefits. It’s not in any way a scam–They have been around for years. If you would like to contact them, they can be reached at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: (886) 788-9225 / (866) 282-5360

StoryBlocks Review 2021 - How to buy it cheap
StoryBlocks Review 2021 – How to buy it cheap

Is Storyblocks worth it Price in 2021?

In my opinion, StoryBlocks is a great platform for those seeking quality stock video, audio and photos at competitive rates. I’ve found them to be very useful; I use their content all the time with no complaints thus far. Storyblocks is worth the price in 2021 and beyond.

StoryBlocks service also provides flexible licensing, so you can create a video to promote your company or product without having to worry about any copyright infringement issues because they have already cleared all of their content for commercial use–so it’s free-and-clear! Storyblocks has competitive rates,I recommend this service to anyone searching for a cost-effective and high quality source of media, preferring the increased production time.

Why StoryBlocks Is Worth It For Me? Here are few points why i consider Storyblocks is worth trying :

* Storyblocks offers over a million royalty-free digital goods that can be downloaded for personal and commercial use.

* StoryBlocks are great, I’ve found them to be very useful; I use their content all the time with no complaints thus far.

* The service also provides flexible licensing so you can create a video to promote your company or product without having to worry about any copyright infringement issues because they have already cleared all of their content for commercial use–so it’s free and clear!

* Storyblocks has competitive rates and I recommend this service to anyone searching for a cost-effective high-quality source of media preferring increased production time.

How to get Storyblocks at an affordable price?

Buy Storyblocks at affordable pricing from Toolsurf using Storyblocks group buy for just $9 per month

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $2.00.

My final verdict of using Storyblocks is that it’s a great way to get access to royalty digital goods for personal and commercial use.

I highly recommend Storyblocks as the best option if you’re looking for high-quality, budget-friendly video footage available in HD or SD formats.

* StoryBlocks is an awesome service–it has saved me so much time already!

* I love how their content is affordable too; they have competitive rates which are perfect for my business model.

* It’s also been helpful because I don’t need to worry about copyright infringement issues with any of their videos because they’ve cleared all of them without needing me to do anything extra. This makes it easy on everyone involved–myself included!

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Frequently asked questions:

What is StoryBlocks?

In 2017, VideoBlocks, a popular royalty-free video stock service and a graphics marketplace, launched a new stock photo, video and audio service called StoryBlocks.

Is StoryBlocks Right For You?

And since you’re reading this post, you’ve probably heard of this service before but not entirely convinced that it’s a good match for your business or personal projects.

What is Storyblocks?

Storyblocks is a subscription service that offers access to over 1.5 million royalty-free digital goods that can be downloaded for personal and commercial use.

What are the subscription plans?

Storyblocks offers their members affordable monthly and annual plans.

How do I find out more about StoryBlocks?

However, all of StoryBlocks services, including Storyblocks Video (f.k.a Videoblocks), are easily accessible by clicking the button on the top of their main page.

What are the benefits of Storyblocks?

1.Unlimited downloads.

How much does it cost?

The cost of Storyblocks unlimited membership equals the price that some stock companies charge for one 4k video.

Is StoryBlocks subscription good for my projects?

Will it be good for any of my projects

What do you save on your subscription?

I usually just use screenshots from the videos – and that actually saves me hundreds of dollars each year.

What’s the best way to get unlimited video and audio?

However, when I need to get music or high-quality images for any of my projects, I prefer to get a monthly subscription to either Audio or Images (or both), and download as many photos and audio clips as I need.

What’s the best plan for you?

If you’re constantly creating new videos and always looking for inspiration, then you’d probably benefit from the Unlimited plan and it might be even worth purchasing an annual subscription.